,19 Winter is a BEAST in Winnipeg. It's one thing to survive the winter, and it's another thing to have kids depend on you to survive it too. Coming from tropical Jamaica and pacific Hawaii, we had no training whatsoever. Actually, let's be honest, even our New York winter experiences don't even match because NOWHERE compares.So when you're trying to figure out how to layer kids and dress them appropriately, you need details. Problem is that to someone who's lived here a long time or has even been through one Winnipeg winter, it's hard to imagine how detailed you need to be for a...

Pray Ok don’t skip this blog or roll your eyes just because it started out with praying. There’s just something about committing even the “trivial” details or desires in life to God that we absolutely agree with which makes almost everything in the Bailey household start with a prayer. Part of it too, is just because of the reality of our budget because we were looking for the bestquotes about insurance. We know what we’re able to afford but we also know what we’d REALLY love to do, so to reconcile those difference we talk to God because nothing  is impossible...

Being pregnant this time around is hard. I’ve alway been a little hesitant to say that because I know others who’ve had it worse than I do, but it’s been hard and I wanted…no needed a break before giving birth but we didn’t quite know how to wrap our heads arounds accomplishing that with all the craziness going on.  For awhile we knew Teko had to go to Honolulu for his eye surgery but what we didn’t know until close to the time was that he could bring someone along with him and that  accommodations and flights would be taken care...

Have you read Andy Stanley's book Next Generation Leader? It's a really good book to have in your collection, so many interesting nuggets to chew on. I found it to be packed with several life lessons that has been useful in applying to my own life. If you are a millennial who is forward thinking and want to find ways to lead your community, family, country or personal life more effectively,  here are five tips from the book which you may consider using.   1. Find a good leadership coach - This can be someone who you believe is really good or experienced at...

Networking can sometimes seem cumbersome and one of those extra things that only extrovert, salesmen type people do. The truth is, this little skill may be holding a major key to unlocking your purpose and taking you to the next level. Harvard Business Review shared a  great article about How Leaders Create and Use Networks. They observed 30 managers who were making their way through “a point in their career which challenged them to rethink themselves and their roles” and found that networking was one of the most “dreaded developmental challenges that these aspiring leaders needed to address”. In the end...