Growing With Change

The last seven months have been a wonderful whirlwind. We’ve welcome into our lives our son, Kalino Benaiah Bailey, postponed our trip to Sierra Leone from May to November and got the chance to go home to connect with and introduce Kalino to the rest of the family.

The season of expecting and welcoming a baby has taught us many things…about ourselves, about life but most importantly about God. If we took such great pleasure and planning in preparing for this little baby, imagine the lengths of preparation and love the Father extends to us. We’re getting a small glimpse of that love, and we’re so happy about it.


On the other hand, our Sierra Leone journey continues. Due to setbacks with a team of ten students which we were hoping to take, as well as increasing illness with Teko’s parents we postponed our group outreach from May 2018 to November 2019 and travelled to see family instead. What a breath of fresh air the entire excursion was. We are grateful it all worked out in good timing and hope to have Teko in Sierra Leone by November.


For some time, we’ve sensed the need for additional partners in our Sierra Leone Ministry, and today that is becoming a reality. We believe that a good ingredient in building effective leadership in any area is to have a dynamic team who is able to see from multiple perspectives and hear from the Lord the fullness of what’s on His heart. After much prayer we’ve shared our vision with three good friends who have also been serving in ministry in various capacities and they have agreed to join us in serving among the Susu. In November, Teko will be traveling with these three men to connect with our partners there for a time of prayer and strategic planning. From this we hope to have a clearly defined plan for our time in Sierra Leone and what we are expecting from the Lord to accomplish there.


The Lord is at work, at home and abroad and we are grateful for His glimpses in our daily life. May it be the same with you. May you see Him in your days and be excited and expectant for what He’s doing.


As always, thanks again for keeping up with us and we would be delighted to hear from you. If you’re interested in joining us for one of our upcoming outreach, please send us an email and we’d be more than happy to connect with you.