On this episode we share about life, and things on our mind like: coronavirus, our experiences in Egypt and India and of course kids! Don’t forget to subscribe and share! Join Love Works here: https://wearethebaileys.org/loveworks If you have questions that you’d like us to answer send us a DM on our instagram page. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and our website; Our Ministry: https://www.instagram.com/weare_theba...

Gender roles and expectations (PART 2). We continue the conversation from last week on gender roles and go into expectations. How do we handle spoken and unspoken expectations, those unmet and how do we communicate so our needs are met.⁠ As usual join us for a mix up of favorite things happening this week, what music we’re listening to and celebrate the wins as we do life together with kids. Are you subscribed to the channel? We’d love to have you apart of our family. If you have questions that you’d like us to answer send us a DM on our instagram...

Gender roles and expectations(PART 1). Are traditional gender roles in marriage still a thing? They’re enough to maneuver as a couple so imagine how they might change with kids in the mix. Who’s supposed to be the primary caregiver? Daddy on diaper duties or not? This week we get into it. Hear how we’ve handled spoken and unspoken gender roles, and next week we deal with unmet expectations and how do we communicate so our needs are met. CHECK THE INSTAGRAM PAGE (@weare_thebaileys) FOR THE LOVE LANGUAGE CHALLENGE! As usual join us for a mix up of favorite things happening this week,...

This week we share on handling outbursts and apologizing then they happen. Also, how to handle conflict by identifying the root cause and working through that. Also, are we automatically bffs since we’re married? Or do couples have other bffs? Wanna join our private Facebook group as we work through different areas of relationships? Join here As usual join us for a mix up of favorite things happening this week, what music we’re listening to and celebrate the wins as we do life together with kids. Are you subscribed to the channel? We’d love to have you apart of our family. If you...

This week we share on handling outbursts and apologizing then they happen. Also, how to handle conflict by identifying the root cause and working through that. Also, are we automatically bffs since we’re married? Or do couples have other bffs? Wanna join our private Facebook group as we work through different areas of relationships? Join here As usual join us for a mix up of favorite things happening this week, what music we’re listening to and celebrate the wins as we do life together with kids. Are you subscribed to the channel? We’d love to have you apart of our family. If you...

Welcome to the very first episode of Gabrielle. These uploads will be included here in the We Are The Baileys podcast because I absolutely believe they fall under that umbrella. In this launch episode I share 7 things I learnt this year and 2 things I need to work on as I celebrate my 29th birthday. Expect to find more from me here on embracing the mundane, motherhood, wife-life and all things on my mind.  As usual join us for a mix up of favorite things happening this week, what music we’re listening to and celebrate the wins as we do...