31 May Honolulu, Hawaii

Being pregnant this time around is hard. I’ve alway been a little hesitant to say that because I know others who’ve had it worse than I do, but it’s been hard and I wanted…no needed a break before giving birth but we didn’t quite know how to wrap our heads arounds accomplishing that with all the craziness going on.
For awhile we knew Teko had to go to Honolulu for his eye surgery but what we didn’t know until close to the time was that he could bring someone along with him and that accommodations and flights would be taken care of. 😮 . The Lord had heard my prayers! He started turning the wheels and we just believed for the rest.

We left early Monday morning, got to Honolulu after our quick 45min flight and had only a few errands to run before Teko had his appointment. Almost 2hrs later he was done and home with an eye protector and wiped from it all. He went in for a check up the next day to make sure everything was going well and in place, which was our green light to family rest and recovery time.
It’s funny, part of the need for a break is because Kalino is so busy but with a choice of taking or leaving him, we also take him along. Having Kalino with us meant planning our days around his schedule so we all could take his nap together. We spent the next two days going to the aquarium, the zoo, napping, having dinner by the ocean and all snuggling together.

I’m so happy he was with us. Our little son isn’t a baby anymore and when he looks back on these photos he’ll see we celebrated loving him as much as we celebrated expecting his brother. I’m definitely going to be printing pictures from this trip because not only do I love them, but I want to be constantly reminded of these moments. It’s never all hard moments, but hard ones mixed with those of pure joy and I want to intentionally seek the joy-filled ones out. They’ll remind me to see the joy.

Growing up, did you travel a lot as a family? What are some of your favourite memories? I’d love to hear.